Fun With Integers
We're going to start with the simplest possible program: vibrating whenever power is supplied. An integer is any number that doesn't have a fraction or decimal, like 1, 2, or 3. They can be positive or negative, but today we only need to use positive integers.
Setting up the Arduino IDE
- Download the version of the Arduino IDE (a text editor we'll be writing our programs in) that corresponds to your computer's operating system from
- Once the IDE is installed, run it and check Tools -> Ports. There should be a checkmark next to "Arduino Uno." If there isn't, check the connections between your Shield, Arduino, vibrator, and computer.
- Copy the setup and loop from the previous chapter into a new Arduino file.
Trying out some integers
- Change the analogWrite to a higher number so that it will vibrate (try a few different values, very low numbers won't vibrate at all).
- When you're ready to test, save your file, make sure the battery pack is off, and then click "upload." The program will run when you switch the vibrator's battery pack on.
- Try out a few different numbers to see what changes!
If the vibrator doesn't work but your code looks right...
- Unplug and replug the USB cable.
- Are all the vibrator and battery pack wires securely attached?
- Are the battery pack wires attached to the correct clips (black to "GND," red to "+V")?
- Is the battery pack on?